The first few weeks of 2020 have proven that this year is going to be an exciting one from music fans. This month’s selection of 200 tracks is definitely a proof of that. Covering the best alternative and electronic music releases from January to mid-February, the mixtape contains both big names as well as exciting, talented newcomers.
The Christmas Mix-Up 2019
November On Shuffle
The Best of October '19 Mixtape
No Snobs Allowed - April MixTape
We all need someone to guide us by the hand every so often and share their knowledge and passion with us. On other occasions we tend to quickly grab a ready - made dish, just to heat it up and consume at home or on the go. But for sure everyone here wants quality as well! We're not talking fast food! We are talking handcraft, homemade, gourmet. Good news then, beacause we have teamed up with No Snobs Allowed and will be bringing you a special selection MixTape every month. Carefully selected by Polish blogger living in Ireland - Piotrek Czarnecki. Here is our April edition. Szef Kuchni Poleca!