Image via Unsplash
by Saoirse Anton
Hands up, who is also sitting at their desk reminiscing about eating breakfast mince pies, having no idea what time, or even what day it is, lazily snuggling further into the couch in festive bliss? The tree is packed away, the last crumbs of the Christmas cake have been scoffed from the tin, and gloss of New Year’s resolutions has waned. Perhaps I should provide a motivational pep talk at this point, reminding you of that neatly pencilled list of good intentions in the front of your diary, but instead I’m going to play the theatrical devil on your shoulder and tell you to rethink your resolutions, at least a little bit.
Have you resolved to…
Go to the gym more?
Well why not get moving with First Fortnight Festival instead?
We all know that spending time in nature is good for the mind and body, and First Fortnight Festival’s Coastal Ecotherapy event brings together mindfulness, movement and connection with a yoga session followed by a dip in the sea and a bite to eat with other participants. That’s definitely better than dutifully trudging along a treadmill in a noisy, fluorescent-lit gym.
Tackle those classics you always meant to read?
Look at them in a different way
Delve into a weekend of discussions, performances and screenings at the Classics Now festival. Curated by Helen Meany, the festival will highlight current interpretations of classic works, and the ways in which they speak to our time.
Or meander through some of Ulysses with Anu Productions and Irish National Opera’s new work, Old Ghosts, as part of Ulysses 2.2. A new chamber orchestra with text by Marina Carr and music by Evangelia Rigaki, based on the Penelope chapter of Joyce’s infamous novel.
Learn Something New?
Enjoy some historical fiction.
Immerse yourself in the story of legendary singer, Édith Piaf, in the Gate’s production, PIAF. Directed by Des Kennedy and starring Camille O’Sullivan as Édith Piaf, this production promises to transport you, capturing the highs and lows of Piaf’s life.
Far from the glitz and grit of Piaf’s Paris, lose yourself in the story of Bridget O’Connor, a mother of four struggling to keep her family alive in the Great Famine. Contemporary folk-musical In The Midst of Plenty will bring a story of struggle, sacrifice and survival to life.
Or, if a documentary is more your style, learn more about the climate crisis and its effects in The Letter, a film about world leaders gathering in Rome to discuss the papal encyclical Laudato Si’, which is being screened as part of Climate Action Day at Belvedere College.
Give up smoking?
No, actually please do give that up. It’s very bad for you.
And, with a 20 pack setting you back over €12 these days and the average smoker getting through half a pack a day, you’ll save enough money for at least one theatre ticket a week! Replace cigarettes with plays. I promise it won’t be a drag!
Regardless of what you resolve to do, make space for some of the brilliant theatrical offerings 2023 has in store. From Donegal to Dublin and Galway to Cork, our stages are awash with creativity, so pick up a programme for your local venue and find something to look forward to in the coming year!