Falling To Earth: My Summer With Bowie at Viking Theatre

Falling To Earth: My Summer With Bowie at Viking Theatre

Don’t miss the chance to experience “Falling To Earth: My Summer With Bowie” at the Viking Theatre. This one-man show promises to be a highlight of Dublin’s theatre scene.

‘Sally’s Return’ at the Viking Theatre” is now on sale

‘Sally’s Return’ at the Viking Theatre” is now on sale

Believing that closure to past events is her real salvation, Sally faces her fear and frees herself from the shackles of the past.

Sally’s Reutrnis a play about hope, a story of how courage, even in the bleakest of times, can restore our belief that life is worth living.

MADEIRA: The Secrets of Sisters - Returns

MADEIRA: The Secrets of Sisters - Returns

“MADEIRA” is not just a play; it’s a profound celebration of the love and loyalty between sisters. With its powerful performances and compelling storyline, this production is a must-see for anyone who appreciates heartfelt drama.

Brighten Up Your January at the Theatre

Brighten Up Your January at the Theatre

It’s January, it’s cold, it’s dark, we’re back to work, the Christmas lights are back in their boxes, only the worst Roses are left in the tub, and every second social media post seems determined to make us feel terrible about the rest of the good Roses we ate in the past few weeks. It’s a bit of a drag.