Featured events
This highly theatrical new adaptation of A Christmas Carol brings the colour and vivacity of the story to the intimate setting of the Viking Theatre. Three outstanding actors will take you on Scrooge’s ghostly journey to redemption, accompanied by Victorian songs and carols and a rich musical score.
Join us as Anne explores the world of the feminine and more. From 18-hour girdles and Housewives of The Year, to ripped influencer grannies pumping iron on Insta, from the Sunday drive to the spa break, from Angel Delight to twerky dancers and back to the chiffon scarf test, Anne weaves a pant-wetting path through a changing half century of womany stuff -
And that’s just the tip of the Anneburg!
Join us as Anne explores the world of the feminine and more. From 18-hour girdles and Housewives of The Year, to ripped influencer grannies pumping iron on Insta, from the Sunday drive to the spa break, from Angel Delight to twerky dancers and back to the chiffon scarf test, Anne weaves a pant-wetting path through a changing half century of womany stuff -
And that’s just the tip of the Anneburg!