This, That & The Other
The New Theatre
A play about two people running a marathon. We’re not sure where they are exactly, but they are about to run the race of their lives, today!
‘This’ is a runner. She knows what a marathon entails and she’s trained and trained and feels ready to go. ‘That’ on the other hand, has not been training. He’d probably rather be anywhere else, but he’s here now and he does look great in running shorts, so he might as well just go for it.
'This, That & The Other' is a play about marathons, but it’s also a play about the hectic pace of modern life. Written as two overlapping monologues, 'This, That & The Other' is an energetic, rhythmic, yet strangely familiar tale about the time we have and how we choose to spend it. It’s about why we run and what we might be running away from.
Doors: 19:00