Carlow Arts Festival
Dag Taeldeman & Andrew Van Ostade (Belgium)
BodyBodyBodyBody is a journey to the edges of trance.
In this electrifying dance concert, percussive music impregnates our body until it contaminates it. As the intoxicating repetitive rhythms of Dag Taeldeman and Andrew Van Ostade merge with the haunting voice of soprano Lies Vandewege the audience is entranced by the rhythmic gyrations of Sardinian dancer Matteo Sedda, rooted in the folk tradition of the Italian tarantella.
The magnetic oscillation between guitar, drums, voice and electrified bodies reaches an emotional peak that will leave you exhilarated and exhausted.
BodyBodyBodyBody is a tidal wave of music and movement, drawing its evocative power from the magic of folk traditions and the propulsive power of Electro.
Age Suitability: +16