7 Day Chakra Yoga Course | ONLINE
D-light Studios ONLINE
Starting Wednesday 22nd April, we are bringing you a new series of yoga sessions focused on each individual chakra. Over seven Wednesdays we will go through each chakra to balance their energies. The practice and knowledge given in the course will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, strengthen your body and clear your mind, improve your energy flow, find emotional balance and inner harmony.
This course will be held on Zoom and each will take 75 minutes, you will be emailed a link to join before class.
22nd April, 8am: Root chakra (Muladhara)
Ground and centre your energy
29th April, 8am: Sacral chakra (Swadhisthana)
Open, close and balance your sexuality
6th May, 8am: Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)
Increase personal power and energy
13th May, 8am: Heart chakra (Anahata)
Open your heart to love and compassion
20th May, 8am: Throat chakra (Vishuddha)
Use sounds to open councisness
27th May, 8am: Third eye chakra (Ajna)
Develop your intuition
3rd June, 8am: Crown chakra (Sahasrara)
Expand awareness
About the teacher:
Agata Stoinska, after years of personal yoga development, completed her Yoga Teacher Training in 2018 in Thailand. She has dedicated the recent years deepening her practice, travelling to India and meeting teachers who have helped her to expand her understanding of yoga philosophy. She is also a qualified NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner.