Public feeling / RESILIENCE
Sarah Browne | AOB Arts Management
Public feeling is an artwork about health and austerity shaped by fitness choreography.
Each class (an aquafit class, a circuit class and a virtual spin class) is delivered by a qualified fitness instructor, and accompanied by a musical score and scripted soundtrack. This participatory project explores ‘feelings’ – like joy, shame, anxiety and depression – not only as individual emotions, but as shared social realities, and asks how we can occupy the everyday space of the gym or leisure centre to re-imagine and re-work these collective experiences.
RESILIENCE is a challenging aquafit class led by Eleanor Young that works with the pleasure of synchronised movement. The class is safe for non-swimmers and a wide range of abilities and fitness levels can be accommodated. RESILIENCE features newly commissioned writing by Lynn Ruane.
Eleanor Young is a sea swimmer and a soprano. She is a qualified aquafit instructor with over 20 years of teaching and coaching experience internationally, who enjoys seeing people of all ages learn and respond to challenge. She coaches the youth development squad at Terenure College Swimming Club and has a devoted following for her energetic aquafit classes.
Produced by AOB Arts Management
Tallaght and Clondalkin Leisure Centres offer disabled parking spaces in front of the building and tactile and dropped kerbs on approach to the leisure centre. Braille door signs are on all access doors. Both leisure centres have a pool hoist and a first aid room, with qualified first aiders on site. Lifeguards are present for aquafit classes. Changing rooms for the aquafit class are individual cubicles (for all genders) on the ground floor, beside the pool. There are also male and female group changing rooms, with showers. Each leisure centre has designated wheelchair accessible toilets and changing facilities. Lockers are available: a €1 coin is needed.
Public feeling by Sarah Browne has been commissioned by South Dublin County Council through IN CONTEXT 4 – IN OUR TIME and funded under the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government’s Per Cent for Art Scheme.